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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

It's being a while since i last posted here. Guess pressures at work is taking it's toll on me.
This past sunday, one of my aunts asked me to put something, kind of a write up together for her programme. She is a motivational speaker and she runs a programme on the radio. I was able to come up with something like this, i just hope it will encourage anybody that stumbles on it.........................


Have been going down this road for a while now

And I can’t help but think

When will I get to my destination?

Coz am tired and weary

And I really want to give up

Seems like this journey will never end

Seems like it will take forever

Seems like I may never get to my destination

Seems like…………………..

But I know I can’t throw in the towel now

Just have to hold on

Coz it won’t take long before I get there

No matter how long the journey may seem

I will hold on, coz I will get to my destination.

My destination is the top

My destination is recognition

My destination is to affect peoples’ life

My destination is a fulfilled life

My destination is a glorious one

So am not going to give up

Coz I know that it’s just a matter of time

I will get to my destination.

So am going to hang in there

In the nick of time

Everything will fall in place.